Qualitrain Blog

What is the Kickstart Scheme? - Qualitrain

Written by HubSpot Author | Jul 15, 2021 6:25:00 AM

In February 2021 the Office of National Statistics reported that 60% of the decrease in employment since February 2020 were young people, under 25 years old. Today on World Youth Skills Day, we look at the funding available to kickstart young people back into employment.

What is the Kickstart Scheme?

The Kickstart Scheme is a grant set up by the UK Government that provides funding to employers that create new jobs for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit, who are at risk of long term unemployment.

Employers of any size can apply for the funding which covers:

  • 100% of National Minimum Wage (or National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours per week for a total of 6 months
  • associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • minimum automatic enrolment pension contributions

The start dates of the positions can be spread up until the 31st December 2021 – therefore if a young person begins their role on the 31st December 2021, you’ll receive funding up until the 20th June 2022.

Job Criteria

To qualify for the Kickstart Scheme funding, the jobs must be new roles that don’t replace or fill existing vacancies or negatively affect other employees roles or working hours.

The job must be for a minimum of 25 hours a week for 6 months (further funding is available following the 6 month period) and pay a minimum of the relevant age National Minimum Wage. The role must also only require basic training.

How to apply

There are a couple of ways you can apply for a Kickstart grant. You can either:

  • Apply yourself, or
  • Apply through a Kickstart Gateway

A Kickstart Gateway will apply for the grant for you as well as helping with the employment process.

If your application is successful, your Gateway will work with you to provide the DWP job descriptions that the Job Centre can use to match suitable candidates. If referred candidates apply for the job you can then move to the interview stage. Your Gateway will inform the DWP when the role has been filled by a young person so the funding can be processed.

Apply today

Qualitrain Ltd are an approved Kickstart Gateway. We can help your organisation coordinate job placements and access funding from the Kickstart Scheme.